I had the honor of taking part in a Hindu wedding ceremony and what a new experience it was! Splashes of color and ancient traditions combined with a friendly and very outspoken family and a bit more rain than we had hoped for! The wedding took place under a giant banyan tree (and a tent due to the rainy conditions). The ceremony was the shortened version...only 3 hours long instead of the traditional three days! So many interestiing things to see. Everyone looked gorgeous and had a great time while I got to learn about the beautiful ceremonies of an interesting culture!
Vaishali Looking lovely...

The colorful flower girls

When the bride comes in she is hidden from the groom. A cloth is held between them by close relatives. This is the moment when the cloth is dropped and Vaishali and Dale see each other for the first time.

Vaishali's Mother and Father joining hands with the couple. A beautiful moment of union.

Bride and groom walk around the fire four times, alternating in who leads.

A private ceremonial moment between husband and sister.
Vaishali and Dale face look out towards the sun.

When the ceremony was over I stole them away for a bit of fun!
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